Never be cruel never be cowardly

Basic stuff first: Never be cruel, never be cowardly, and never ever eat pears! Remember, hate is always foolish, but love is always wise. Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind.

What were the 12th Doctor’s last words?

2 Twelfth Doctor I've got new kidneys! I don't like the color… We're probably crashing!" His final line was a fond farewell to the role of a lifetime.

What is the Doctor’s promise?

The promise itself is revealed in "The Day of the Doctor": "Never cruel nor cowardly. Never give up. Never give in."

Does the 13th Doctor remember Clara?

It turns out it was the exact opposite. The Doctor didn't remember Clara, but she would never forget him. … She had no pulse because the Doctor stole her from between heartbeats, at that moment right before she was killed.

Is the 13th doctor the last doctor?

Fans have always thought that the 13th doctor would be the last, thanks to a 1976 Doctor Who episode, The Deadly Assassin, featuring Tom Baker as the Doctor in his fourth incarnation, and revealing for the first time the regeneration limit. … The Doctor indicates that there is no limit. The action continues.

Why do doctors hate pears?

In a deleted scene, the Doctor told Martha to “never let me eat pears,” because he just hated them. In the two-part episode, the Doctor actually did eat a pear, a sign that he was truly not himself. … So, the Doctor referenced hating pears in his final speech before becoming a woman for the first time.

What is the 13th Doctor’s catchphrase?

It could have been 'brilliant' but she said it only a few times, I think 'fam' suits her well since she depends on her team of companions.

Why does the Doctor hide his name?

He stole it from his own people and chose a new name, the Doctor, to signify his desire to help the universe and the people in it, instead of causing harm. He abandoned his old name because he didn't want to be associated with the society and people he'd lost respect for.